miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

predicting trait summary

this topic is about how likly  the offprings going to be to now have to use a punett squere to now this have to take some traits of  the parents and have some probabilities . By the probability can be trace a pedigree , a pedigree is the history of the trits of a family .  in two parents one can be dominant and the other can be ressesive traits that traits can be appers in the  ofprings  the dominat traits is the physical  and the ressesive is in the genes .

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

learning about heredity summary

this topic is about genetic heredity is something that pass to one offpring to another this can be genotype and phenotype the genotype can be the DNA disease and phetype to physical characteristic .

there are to type of polination self pollination when the male part of the same fertilize the same flower and cross when the male part of a flower frtilze the female part of other flower .

geologic times summay

this topic is about geoly the geology is the study of the rocks a rock is a mixture of may minerals the first point is the layers the geology use the layer s to study the time that pass in this layer also can be found fossils.

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Rock cycle summary

this topic is abput the rocks and minerals a mineral is a material with a define structure and coposition and a rock is a mixture of mineral . like many thing in the wrld that ha ve cycle alo the rocks have cycle and this never ends this have the name of rock cycle .

the rock begins with hot melted magma that cmes out by volcanic eruptions , the the rock becomes solid and made igneous rock . then by the proces of erosion the rock form new plates that is call sedimentary rock .the last step in the process is when the rock returns to the center of the earth and became magma again , this proces is licke too fast but ocurs in millions of years .

lift carry and drop summary

this topic is about the movement and change of the soil how the deposition takes place , the type of glacier ect what is mass wasting? is the first question you have to condidere , the mass wasting is the downhill movement of the earth material caused by gravity . That ocurs like in a downhill of a small mountain when the rain davilytate the soil and produce that it falls down that recive the name of lift .  the second point is deposition the deposition ocurrs in the mouth of a river the erosion produce that the sediment of the top of the river falls down by the movent of the water and the soil is acumulate in the mouth of the river al this 2 process is produce by the erosion . the thirth and last point in this topic is the glaciers . A glacier is a sheet of ice tha tmove so slowly over the land ,  there are 3 types of glaciers valley glacier contnental glaciers and narrowr glacier .

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Building up and Breaking down summary

This topic is about the mountains we will going to leàrn about ,what is erosin and weatherig? the soil  and others interesant thing . there are 2 types of mountain fold mountain and fault block mountain , the fold mountain is made  mostly rock layers folded by squeezed together abd the fault block mountain are a mountain made by huge tilled.

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

vocabulary 15 Lift, carry and drope

Mass wasting   the downhill movement of earth material causad by gravity .

Deposition   droping off of  sediment .

Glacier   a huge sheet of ice and snow that moves slowly over the land .

Till   a jumble of many sizes of sediment deposited by a glacier .

Moraine   a deposite of many sizes  of sediment infront or along the sides of a glacier .

vocabulary 14 Building up breaking down

Fold mountain   a mountain made mostly of rocks layers folded by being squeezed together .

Fault block mountain   a moutain made by huge tilled blocks of rocks separated from surrounding rock by fault .

Weathering   the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces  by natural process .

Erosion   the picking up and removal of rock particles .

Soil   a mixture of weathe rock decayed plant and animal matter livig thing air and water .

Soil horizon     any of the layers of soil from the surface to the bedrok below .

Ground water    water that soaks into soil and rock by collecting in space between rock
particles .


Humus   material i soil by the breakdown of plant and animal matarial .

vocabulary 13 Volcanoes

Hot spot   avery hot part of the mantel where magma can melt thought a plate moving above it .

Vent  central openig in a volcanic are throught wich magna may escape .

Lava  magma that  reach the earth and flow out the vent .

Crater  a cuplike hollow that forms at the top of a volcano around the vent .

Cinder cone volcano   a steep side cone that forms from explosive eruptions of hot rocks ranging from partilcles to boulders .

Shield volcano  a wide gently stoped cone that forms from flow of lava .

Compositive volcano   a cone formed from explosive eruptions of hot rocks flowed by a flow of lava over and over .

Geothermical energy   heat from below earth surface

vocabulary 12 earthquakes

Fault a huge in the crust at or below the surface of wich mayshow evidence of motion .

Focus the point where an earthquaker start when the roks begin to slide each other .

Seismic wave  a vibration that spread out away from a focus whe an earthquaker happen .

Epicenter  the point on eath surface directly above the focus .

Afthershock   the shakin on the crust after the initial shaking of an earthquaker .

seismoghraph   sensitive devise that detect the shaking of an earthquaker .

Magnitude   the amout of energy realise by an earthquker .

vocabulary 11 moving plates

Crust  earth solid rocky surface that have the continents and ocean floor .

Original horizontaly   the idea of many kind of rock form in a flat horizontal layer .

Continental drift   the idea of a supercontinent split apart into pices , the continents that is today .

Sea floor spreading  the idea that new crust is forming  at rides in the sea floor spreading apart the crust on either side of the rides .

Magma hot molde rock that is below the earth surface .

plate tectonics  the idea that the earth surface broken into plates that move .

Mantel earth leayer beanth the crust .

Subduction   where plates collide the sliding of a denser ocean plate onder other plate .

vocabulary 10 galaxies and beyond

Galaxy  a large group of stars held together by gravity .

Milky wave  our home galaxy .

Spectrum   band of colors made when  light is broken out .

Expansion redshift   the shift of a spectrum of galaxy toward longer waveleght due to the expansion of space .

Big bang   the beginnig of the universe when the density of the universe was very hight .

Backgroud radiation   electromagnetic radiation left over from the big bang .

Quasar  an extremely bright extremely distance hight energy source . 

vacabulary 9 Stars

Star  a large , hot ball of gases , wich is held together by gravity and gives  off its own light .

Parallax   the apparent shift in a object location when viwed from two positions .

Light year  the distance that light travel in one year .

Constellation  a number of stars that appears to from a patern . 

Magnitude  the brighness of a star .

Nebula  cloud of gas and dust in the space .

Supernova  star that explodes .

Black hole an object whose gravity is so strong that light can´t  escape it .